"For me the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity; master of the moment."

Whilst I'm the text book personification of impatience, I'm also filled with curiosity, enthusiasm, wonderment and, at times, indignation (peppered with a healthy dose of self-deprecation). A frenetic thinker who cannot keep still or control my own temperament ~ always on the cusp between observing and feeling. For better or worse, that's me!
Over the past 25 years, I've surmised that photography has little to do with the things I see and everything to do with the way I see them ... ah, a great metaphor for Life. Photography is an art of acute observation. It's about discovering something compelling in an otherwise ordinary person, place or object. My camera has become an instinctive tool, a necessary appendage. Through the lens I give reason and purpose to everything around me.
As I plod forward on my journey, camera in hand, I have no intent to cast a particular effect on people or change anything in the big scheme ~ that's not my ambition. But I do feel summoned to visually express the things I personally define as important or disturbing or amazing. It is with that last thought in mind, that I move about my day seizing every opportunity to discover and capture Life's Decisive Moments.